
A teacher took me to a class on using Camtasia Studio, a new to me screen recorder tool. Maybe it was the instructor, but it is dead simple to use. The teachers use it to develop online lessons  or  tutorials  videoed directly from their desktops.

I have been working with video for first time recently when SOSL asked me to to take their DVD of last year’s walk and upload bits of it to the website for this year’s walk. I found free software (FormatFactory) to first convert it to MP4 then another freebie (Avidemux 2.5 to edit it.

All worked well but the audio came out distorted.

Discovered I could use Camstasia for this. Converted to AVI then edited. Camstasia has an export setting for You Tube where I exported it. Piece a cake.

Camstasia is not cheap ($299, $179 with education discount – I’m using the 30 day free trial) so will look at Windows Media Encorder which is free.