Page Rank, Simply

I have been researching a plan of action for getting a client’s site found via Google. Lot’s of web marketing stuff out there on things like how to use keywords. What’s Web 2.0 for reams?

Watched a video yesterday by Matt Cutts who is head of Google’s Webspam team. He does a lot of videos on common sense ways to handle SEO.

Refreshingly clear and simple.

His main thesis on getting noticed by Google:  higher quality content =>higher number of sites linking to you and how important those sites are (“Pagerank = # of sites linking to you and how important those sites are”).

His counsel: write about what you’re passionate about. Write often, then you will write well, then you will have lots of high quality content, folk will turn to you…

Here’s link to Matt Cutt’s Blog. It’s on the video “White Hat SEO Tips For Bloggers”‘ from late August.