A mentor suggested I write a post and update my website services. He thought these would help you and other visitors better understand what I can do for your website. Much of this post will become part of the website. It may feel more salesy than most posts. Consider leaving a comment about this post. I would be most grateful
I love keeping websites secure, fast and SEO friendly. Bringing a sluggish site to life is like creating a work of art.
[clickToTweet tweet=”Why do I call Scott’s Web Shop a shop? It’s a mechanic’s shop for your website.” quote=”Why do I call Scott’s Web Shop a shop? It’s a mechanic’s shop for your website.”] When your website is well maintained it will take your agency where you want it to go.
My goal at Scott’s Web Shop is to dispel your web site worry by providing the following services. The basic plans services can be grouped by Security and Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Ask about additional services.
Website services: Security
A saying in the investment and trading world, “in uncertain times keep your powder dry.” Your accountant would recommend not risking losing your principle when investing your money. The same holds for websites. The highest priority is to keep your site safe.
The security services:
1. A firewall between the visitors and the web host. It filters out any malware or attacks. Bad guys can’t even get to the server where the code for your site resides.
2. The best current security plugin.
3. Detection and regular Scans to add a further layer to prevent Malware damage.
4. Your site files and database are backed up daily and before website changes. They are stored off site on Amazon servers. If anything goes wrong with the site, one option is to restore it using a recent backup.
5. Your site’s up time is monitored. I’m alerted if ever it goes down. I use SiteGround, a top notch web host. In the years I’ve had my sites with them, any outage has been less that a few minutes. Usually, that’s been on the weekends or evenings when they were doing maintenance.
6. The WordPress core files and the plugins are checked for security updates twice daily and I update them when that’s indicated.
7. I urge using secure logins. I am happy to instruct on their proper setup and use.
8. Excellent spam management measures are set up to reduce that worry.
9. Counsel regarding using a web host that keeps their servers updated and follows good safety protocols.
I can provide training in any of the above areas when requested.
Website Services: Search Engine Optimizations (SEO)
So those you want to find your site, can. Your visitors and Google prefer fast sites. Consider site speed as part of SEO. Again, several services work together to improve SEO.
Website Services: On-page SEO:
1. I use an excellent Plugin (Yoast SEO) to check and guide the use of your website’s content.
2. I check your meta tags to see if they’re set up to be helpful. Meta tags aren’t visible to you. Search bots from Google, Bing, and others learn important things about your website. 3. This information helps them decide where to put your site in their search results.
4. I work to improve page opening speed. This keeps visitors happy. They will leave sites whose pages open too slow. The search engines consider this when evaluating your site.
5. I’m glad to educate about SEO if you wish.
6. I urge the use of a theme that is fast and mobile friendly.
7. All image files are reduced in size without sacrificing visual quality. This is called image optimization. Large image files will slow your page openings more than about anything else.
8. I inspect and track your site’s proper use of keywords in its content. I am happy to train or point you to resources on the best use of keywords.
“Your SEO keywords are the key words and phrases in your web content that make it possible for people to find your site via search engines.” ~WordStream.”
Website Services: Off-page SEO
1. Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN). Sucuri is both a security service and a CDN.
2. Use WPRocket for caching (This greatly improves speed in most cases).
3. Integrate your social media with your site
I’m happy to guide you in using social media to direct traffic to your site.
A monthly report on security, up time, performance (page speed), and analytics.
Other website services we can do (ask about the additional fee):
1. Assist with HIPAA compliance or forms
2. Add content (text, images, videos).
3. Web host migration
4. Migrate your site that’s on a different platform to WordPress.
5. Add pages and make significant navigation improvements.
6. Assist with acquiring email subscribers and newsletter set up.
Good website maintenance + agency teamwork = the growth of websites users
The Survivor’s of Suicide Loss, San Diego (SOSL) is an agency which serves a tough population. Unfortunately, most of us carry a stigma about suicide. If you’re reading this I applaud your heart. (Full disclosure: I am a member the board of directors).
According to Google Analytics, SOSL’s website traffic, under my management, is up 831% from 2013 through 2016. I write this only in part to brag (with these numbers, how can I not?).
The reality is the SOSL has a smart and enthusiastic team which has been actively involved in their website. They contributed to this growth by learning about websites, frequently added pertinent content, and they tweaked the design and navigation to help those they serve to find what they’re looking for.
Here are some details from Google Analytics on Website Users:
2014 vs 2013: 14,409 vs 5,330 (170%) Note: A major site redesign launched in June of 2013.
2015 vs 2014: 38,531 vs 14,409 (167%)
2016 vs 2015: 49, 627 vs 38,531 (29%) Note: 2016 data is low. Six weeks of data was not picked up by Google Analytics. If averaged data included, 2016 would have been 55,627.
2016 vs 2013: 49,627 vs 5,330 (831%)
Please leave comments or ask questions below or contact me by submitting the contact form.